Dette er en ranking på baggrund af de arter, der er truffet inden for VP's grænser.
Herunder er det muligt at vælge blandt alle krydslister, bl.a. årsartslister, kommuner, osv.
Hedydipna metallica
Nedenstående personer har krydset arten på deres artsliste.
# |
Navn |
#X |
Dato |
Lokation |
1 |
Pierre-André Crochet |
930 |
2002-03-22 |
Crocodile Island, Luxor |
2 |
Chris Bell |
903 |
2006-07-18 |
Crocodile Island |
3 |
Kris De Rouck |
900 |
4 |
Ernie Davis |
896 |
5 |
Richard Stephenson |
893 |
2012-05-09 |
Near Edfu |
6 |
Stewart Hinley |
891 |
1996-04-09 |
Aswan |
7 |
Tom Francis |
891 |
8 |
Thomas Lang |
890 |
9 |
Graeme Joynt |
890 |
1999-06-23 |
Crocodile Island |
10 |
Vincent Legrand |
889 |
11 |
Bob Swann |
888 |
2011-09-19 |
King's Island, Luxor |
12 |
Markku Santamaa |
886 |
2004-06-22 |
Luxor |
13 |
Gordon Beck |
885 |
2010-07-23 |
Aswan, botanical gardens |
14 |
Guy Mirgain |
882 |
15 |
Richard Bonser |
877 |
2006-03-24 |
Crocodile Island, Luxor |
16 |
Klaus Drissner |
875 |
17 |
Dan Pointon |
872 |
18 |
Christian Leth |
868 |
2003-05-09 |
Crocodile Island, Luxor |
19 |
David Monticelli |
866 |
2009-04-26 |
Luxor |
20 |
Chris Batty |
862 |
2006-07-16 |
Crocodile Island, Luxor |
21 |
Phil Abbott |
862 |
2006-05-23 |
Crocodile island |
22 |
Gary David Fennemore |
859 |
2008-04-01 |
Luxor |
23 |
Hannu Palojärvi |
852 |
24 |
Seppo Järvinen |
850 |
2018-05-23 |
N of Aswan |
25 |
Daniel Mauras |
846 |
2009-11-23 |
Aswan |
26 |
Lee Gregory |
846 |
2011-12-21 |
Crocodile Island |
27 |
Bosse Carlsson |
845 |
28 |
Nigel Warren |
845 |
1995-03-23 |
Luxor |
29 |
Olof Strand |
844 |
2013-04-29 |
Minya |
30 |
Josh Rhys Jones |
842 |
2012-04-02 |
Aswan |
31 |
Jesper Segergren |
839 |
32 |
Kari Haataja |
835 |
2008-05-01 |
Luxor, Crocodile Island |
33 |
Thierry Jansen |
833 |
34 |
832 |
35 |
Peter Stronach |
830 |
36 |
Jouni Riihimäki |
830 |
37 |
Eric Didner |
828 |
2002-03-22 |
Crocodile island |
38 |
Dominic Mitchell |
827 |
39 |
Bill Bailey |
823 |
1997-10-03 |
Crocodile Island |
40 |
Richard Ek |
815 |
2013-04-29 |
El Minya |
41 |
Ingvar Torsson |
815 |
2006-04-27 |
Luxor |
42 |
Per Forsberg |
814 |
43 |
Lars Højmark Mortensen |
807 |
2004-12-23 |
Cairo |
44 |
Seppo Antero Haavisto |
807 |
1997-05-02 |
Nile, Crocodile Island |
45 |
Max Dettori |
806 |
2018-04-10 |
Aswan |
46 |
Jocelyn Gould |
804 |
47 |
Rami Mizrachi |
804 |
2009-09-17 |
Crocodile Island, Luxor |
48 |
Colin Gould |
804 |
49 |
Tommy Frandsen |
800 |
2003-05-09 |
Luxor |
50 |
Andy Clifton |
800 |
2006-03-24 |
Crocodile Island, Luxor |
51 |
Petri Kuhno |
795 |
2010-05-06 |
Aswan |
52 |
Matthew Deans |
788 |
2006-11-01 |
Crocodile Island, Luxor |
53 |
Lee GR Evans |
786 |
54 |
Rupert Hafner |
785 |
55 |
Peter John Taylor |
784 |
56 |
Erik Rask |
783 |
57 |
Ferran López Sanz |
781 |
2008-07-30 |
Aswan |
58 |
Ernst Albegger |
779 |
2015-09-12 |
Aswan Fish Ponds |
59 |
Stephen Vaughan Ashby |
777 |
2011-09-19 |
Crocodile Island, Luxor |
60 |
Peter Gluth |
776 |
2012-04-16 |
Crocodile Island - Luxor |
61 |
Mårten Wikström |
775 |
2017-05-03 |
Dabria Island, Luxor |
62 |
Eric Jan Alblas |
774 |
1997-10-19 |
Luxor |
63 |
Csaba Lendvai |
771 |
2003-03-01 |
Along the nile |
64 |
Zbigniew Kajzer |
771 |
2013-07-06 |
Luxor |
65 |
John Holtham |
769 |
66 |
Occhiato Daniele |
768 |
67 |
Fred Vanhove |
768 |
68 |
Janne Aalto |
762 |
2002-02-26 |
Luxor |
69 |
Vince Halley-Frame |
759 |
2018-09-25 |
Crocodile Island, Luxor. |
70 |
Dirk Colin |
754 |
71 |
Benedict Macdonald |
754 |
2024-11-04 |
Nagaa Jabal Shishah, Nile Valley |
72 |
Claes Wikström |
752 |
73 |
Nick Watmough |
749 |
2014-12-14 |
El Gouna |
74 |
Tero Toivanen |
743 |
75 |
Richard Rafe |
741 |
76 |
Janne Kilpimaa |
739 |
77 |
Raphaël Lebrun |
738 |
2013-07-30 |
Near Edfu |
78 |
Adam Selmeczi Kovacs |
737 |
2018-05-03 |
Luxor - Crocodile island |
79 |
Michael Dvorak |
737 |
2015-09-12 |
Assuan |
80 |
Rob Fuge |
736 |
2007-07-25 |
Luxor, Crocodile Island |
81 |
Paul French |
734 |
82 |
Attila Steiner |
733 |
Assuan |
83 |
Patric Lorgé |
733 |
84 |
Angelo Nava |
733 |
85 |
Jacob Bentzon Hansen |
731 |
2003-05-09 |
Crocodile Island, Luxor |
86 |
Frédéric Jiguet |
730 |
2004-04-18 |
Luxor |
87 |
Nava Alberto |
730 |
egitto |
88 |
José María Zapata |
728 |
89 |
Colin Dodsworth |
725 |
90 |
Stefan Tapio Ettestam |
721 |
91 |
Lars Andersen |
719 |
92 |
Mads Elley |
717 |
2010-12-28 |
Kitchener Island |
93 |
Ruysschaert Fabien |
717 |
94 |
Christer Brostam |
717 |
95 |
Tina Elley |
714 |
96 |
Brian Rasmussen |
711 |
2018-09-25 |
Crocodile Island, Luxor |
97 |
Jens Søgaard Hansen |
706 |
2003-05-09 |
Crocodile Island, Luxor |
98 |
Hans Rudhe |
704 |
99 |
Klaus Hubatsch |
704 |
100 |
Simon Wellock |
703 |
101 |
702 |
102 |
Stephen Harris |
701 |
2019-03-01 |
Aswan |
103 |
Anders Søgaard |
698 |
2007-03-19 |
Luxor |
104 |
Steve Lister |
697 |
1989-12-01 |
Luxor |
105 |
Jan van der Laan |
694 |
106 |
Mark Lopez |
693 |
2006-07-15 |
10km N of Kum Ombo |
107 |
Anders Hammergart |
692 |
2007-03-19 |
Luxor |
108 |
Theo Bakker |
690 |
109 |
Mark Riley |
689 |
110 |
Leo J R Boon |
689 |
111 |
Ulf Göran Karlsson |
688 |
112 |
Huig Ouwehand |
687 |
2009-03-05 |
Crocodile island |
113 |
Perry Jonathan Smale |
687 |
1995-03-23 |
Luxor |
114 |
Jan Oldebring |
685 |
2010-04-28 |
Aswan |
115 |
Jean-Philippe SIBLET |
684 |
2009-03-17 |
Assouan (Botanical Garden) |
116 |
Sven Karlsson |
684 |
117 |
Robert Carr |
679 |
118 |
André Riis Ebbesen |
674 |
2003-05-09 |
Luxor |
119 |
Johan Sandström |
673 |
2002-02-02 |
Aswan |
120 |
Markus Craig |
673 |
1998-04-20 |
Aswan -- Philae Island |
121 |
Morten Bentzon Hansen |
672 |
122 |
Rony Livne |
672 |
2009-09-17 |
Crocodile Island |
123 |
Poul Ulrik |
671 |
2003-05-09 |
Crocodile Island, Luxor |
124 |
Tero Linjama |
671 |
125 |
Julien Renoult |
670 |
126 |
Brian Heasman |
669 |
2012-05-07 |
Nr. Luxor |
127 |
Hans Westerberg |
669 |
128 |
Paul Nilsson |
668 |
2007-03-19 |
Crocodile Island |
129 |
Martin Thomsen |
668 |
2015-05-08 |
South of Edfu |
130 |
Andreas Noeske |
668 |
1988-11-27 |
Luxor |
131 |
Andrew Lansdell |
668 |
132 |
Jan-Michael Breider |
667 |
133 |
Gabor Horvath |
667 |
1996-03-11 |
Aswan |
134 |
Colin Butler |
665 |
135 |
Erik Vikkelsø Rasmussen |
664 |
2010-11-29 |
syd for Edfu, Nilen |
136 |
Håkan Johansson |
662 |
2023-02-12 |
Crocodile island |
137 |
Rafael Armada |
660 |
2008-07-30 |
Aswan (photo) |
138 |
Michael Fricke |
657 |
139 |
Erik Christophersen |
657 |
2010-05-13 |
Tut Amon Village Fish Ponds, Aswan |
140 |
Rasmus Turin |
650 |
2018-09-25 |
Crocodile Island, Luxor |
141 |
Philippe Geniez |
649 |
142 |
Birthe Rasmussen |
648 |
143 |
Tor Olsen |
647 |
2008-02-21 |
Crocodile Island, Luxor |
144 |
Rainer Christian Ertel |
646 |
145 |
Julien Mazenauer |
645 |
146 |
Sven Bødker |
639 |
2010-04-29 |
nord for aswan |
147 |
Joan Barrachina |
639 |
2021-11-19 |
Aswan |
148 |
Samuel Progin |
632 |
2013-02-12 |
Aswan |
149 |
Gigi Sahlstrand |
630 |
150 |
David Andersson |
629 |
151 |
Stefan Magnusson |
628 |
152 |
Ies Goedbloed |
626 |
153 |
Martin Kviesgaard |
623 |
2009-01-05 |
Aswan |
154 |
Oriol Clarabuch |
623 |
155 |
Michael Mosebo Jensen |
620 |
156 |
Ian David Moig |
615 |
157 |
Mikael Nelin |
612 |
158 |
Hermann Leitner |
609 |
159 |
Otto Veszelinov |
608 |
160 |
Phil Gibson |
608 |
2001-10-13 |
Crocodile Island, Luxor |
161 |
José Luis Copete |
606 |
162 |
Pablo Fernández García |
605 |
2008-08-01 |
Tut Amon Village, Aswan. |
163 |
Per Lif |
599 |
164 |
Samuel Viles |
599 |
2017-06-25 |
Tut Amon Fishponds, Aswan, Aswan Governorate |
165 |
Ole Amstrup |
595 |
2008-11-25 |
Luxor |
166 |
Jens Lind |
589 |
2008-01-28 |
Isis-øen, Nilen |
167 |
Rune Sø Neergaard |
585 |
2015-02-20 |
El Gouna |
168 |
Jan Kiel |
583 |
2007-01-02 |
Crocodile Island, Luxor |
169 |
Lis Kastrup |
583 |
170 |
Carsten Svejstrup Sørensen |
581 |
171 |
Lasse Strandgaard |
580 |
172 |
Ole Gylling-Jørgensen |
580 |
2000-03-08 |
Luxor |
173 |
Andrea Ferrari |
577 |
2024-08-31 |
174 |
Conca Gianni |
576 |
175 |
Stefan Hage |
572 |
176 |
Ole Krogh |
572 |
177 |
Terje Kolaas |
571 |
178 |
Søren Brinch |
570 |
179 |
Peter Adriaens |
568 |
180 |
Leander Khil |
567 |
181 |
Johnny Salomonsson |
566 |
182 |
Kristian Birchvald Christensen |
565 |
2002-01-01 |
Nilen :) |
183 |
Daniel König |
564 |
2018-09-25 |
Luxor |
184 |
Kent Olsen |
563 |
185 |
András Fodor (andy) |
563 |
186 |
Kevin Hale |
562 |
187 |
Edouard Melchior |
562 |
188 |
Alexander Lees |
561 |
2006-04-14 |
El Gouna |
189 |
BRUNEAU Guillaume |
561 |
190 |
Ante Strand |
561 |
191 |
Henrik Böhmer |
557 |
192 |
Lasse Olsson |
552 |
193 |
Gerd Spreitzer |
551 |
194 |
Arne Olesen |
547 |
2008-01-08 |
Crocodile Island, Luxor |
195 |
Jørgen Munck |
545 |
196 |
Csaba Tölgyesi |
545 |
197 |
Per Alnor Kjær |
542 |
1991-06-07 |
Aswan |
198 |
Mogens Neergaard |
541 |
199 |
Erik van Dijk |
541 |
200 |
Jan Ravnborg |
540 |
2003-05-09 |
Crododile island, Luxor |
201 |
Ivan Olsen |
535 |
202 |
Esben Eriksen |
534 |
203 |
Sander Lilipaly |
534 |
204 |
Jan-Rune Asbjørnsen |
531 |
205 |
Stefan Sturup |
529 |
2017-03-18 |
Hurghada |
206 |
Oliver Metcalf |
528 |
207 |
Emin Yogurtcuoglu |
526 |
208 |
Alexandre Hespanhol Leitão |
525 |
209 |
Paul Herrieven |
523 |
210 |
Rune Palmqvist |
522 |
211 |
Fabian Schneider |
519 |
212 |
Rune Skjold Tjørnløv |
514 |
213 |
Jeroen van Vianen |
513 |
214 |
Joao Tiago Tavares |
510 |
215 |
Sebastian Kiepsch |
509 |
2023-03-24 |
Assuan |
216 |
Mathieu Bally |
508 |
217 |
Kjetil Bekkeli |
504 |
218 |
lee robert cooper |
495 |
219 |
Niels Henrik Valerius |
492 |
220 |
Christoph Roland |
490 |
221 |
Jan Eriksen |
489 |
222 |
Willem Bockx |
488 |
223 |
Ingelise Aarøe Petersen |
481 |
224 |
Morten Kofoed-Hansen |
481 |
225 |
Jens Gulseth Wessberg |
481 |
2009-03-17 |
Aswan |
226 |
Hans Pinstrup |
480 |
1980-06-27 |
Aswan (Aga Khans Mausoleum) |
227 |
Anders P. Tøttrup |
476 |
1997-06-01 |
Langs Nilen ved Luxor |
228 |
Kurt Prentow |
474 |
2003-07-08 |
Luxor |
229 |
Troels M. Krogh |
474 |
2003-03-16 |
Philæ Templet v/Aswan |
230 |
Thomas van der Es |
474 |
231 |
Simon Berg Pedersen |
465 |
232 |
Rasmus Bøgeskov Larsen |
456 |
233 |
Denes Laczik |
455 |
234 |
Nicole Natascha Böhmer |
437 |
235 |
Sten Pedersen |
436 |
236 |
Henrik Kristensen |
434 |
237 |
Thomas Hasle Ravn |
433 |
238 |
Philippe Loyoddin |
420 |
239 |
Niels Jørgen Larsen |
418 |
2001-09-23 |
Kom Ombo |
240 |
Tomasz Gustyn |
416 |
2023-09-23 |
241 |
Anders Roel |
409 |
242 |
Matthias Weissensteiner |
406 |
243 |
Igor Maiorano |
399 |
244 |
Per Damsgaard-Sørensen |
381 |
2015-01-21 |
Aswan |
245 |
Benny Haahr |
379 |
2005-04-01 |
På Nilen nær Aswan |
246 |
André Julinder |
375 |
247 |
Henrik Brænder |
374 |
248 |
Abdulla Aly Abdulla |
297 |
249 |
Lars Johansen |
288 |
250 |
frederik ulf fogt |
227 |
251 |
Jakob ulf fogt |
128 |
252 |
Daniel Hegedüs |
113 |