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A brief history of bird flu The post In Flew Enza appeared first on British Ornithologists' Union.

Store snømengder og mange kuldegrader, regn og plussgrader – hvordan påvirker årets vintervær småfuglene i norske hager? BirdLife Norge inviterer til den årlige Hagefugltellingen lørdag 25. og søndag 26. januar, der du kan bidra i folkeforskning ved å rapportere hvilke fugler du har i hagen din.

I have mentioned the roosting Treecreepers we have been seeing on our evening outings with the thermal imager and here is the promised post. When driving around Maridalen in the dark Jr has normally sat in the passenger seat and used the thermal imager to spot Moose, Roe Deer or Foxes and in the late autumn Woodcocks. Recently though Jr has done the driving and I have got to use the thermal. I haven’t spotted many large animals but I have spotted roosting birds. First out were Magpies which are of a similar size to Woodcock so perhaps no surprise that they would be visible but to find Treecreepers was not what I expected. Firstly, what are the chances they would be roosting close to, and visible from, the road and secondly, how can such a small creature shine so bright and be picked up when driving past? The first bird found was 20 metres from the road and the second 10 metres but both really lit up in the sensor. They have proven to be site faithful and are seen every night we try for them. I assumed they were holding onto the tree trunk with there sharp claws but visiting the sites in the daytime when the birds are not there shows they are using small cavities so their bodies are supported in the cavity and it just their tails sticking out. Bird 1: the view in the thermal imager from the road at about 20m The roosting Treecreeper - picture taken with the superzoom and flash picture of the tree taken in the day with a curios Nuthatch (spettmeis). The roost site is a small hole in what is clearly a rotten birch. Note also the droppings immediately under the hole Bird 2: the view in the thermal imager from the road at about 10m the roosting bird taken with the bazooka and flash yet again note the droppings the roost site in the daytime

Der indkaldes til generalforsmlig i DOF Fyn torsdag den 6. februar 2025 kl. 19 i DOF Fyns lokaler på Rasmus Rask Skolen, Brændekildevej 30, Bellinge. Dagsorden...

DOF København indkalder til generalforsamling 12. marts 2025 kl. 19.00. Generalforsmlingen foregår på Hyltebjerggård, Linde Allé 33, 2720 Vanløse.

Af Erhardt Ecklon Boligbirding blev startet i 2018 af DOF Vestsjælland med blandt andet Lasse Braae som initiativtager, og DOF Nordsjælland og DOF København var...

18. jan. 2025 kl. 08:54
This week has been foggy! Every day the weather forecast has said the sun will be shining in Maridalen and every day, until Friday, it has just been thick fog. Friday though more or less made up for the whole week. On Wednesday I visited Fornebu to try to be under the fog which I was, just. I also had a target bird. I have been avidly reading about the Dutch Spectacled Eider and thinking whether I should take a trip to Amsterdam and thought I could try to recreate some of that rare eider twitching feeling by seeing if I could see the returning/resident male King Eider (first seen as a 2cy in August 2018) in the Oslofjord. Normally only seen with some luck and from a boat it has this week been seen with a 100 strong flock of Eider at telescope distance from Fornebu. When the distance is over 2km though we are talking about bad views but I enjoyed the challenge of finding it. It was joining in with the male Common Eiders in display and if it continues to show an interest in female Common Eiders then there is a chance it will be seen close to shore in the spring as it was in April 2022. There were also at least 290 Velvet Scoter which is an enormous flock for these parts and a sure sign there is a good supply of food. Goldeneyes are also around in good numbers so the story that you often hear that the Inner Oslofjord is dying is not quite that simple even if some species such has Cod have more or less disappeared. At Huk I also saw the flock of Purple Sandpipers numbering at least 16 and here the rocks were covered with baby mussels so yet another sign of a healthy fjord. The Hawk Owl survives in Maridalen although the fog has made finding it hard and I wonder whether a single Pine Grosbeak eating the last rowan berries at Grefsenkollen and then three migrating NW over Hawkie will be my last Oslo bird for a few years. On Friday a Pygmy Owl also showed in Maridalen and a Tawny Owl that evening made it a three owl day in the Dale! Whilst the Hawk Owl is still clearly searching for rodents, and I believe really struggling in the snow, the Pygmy Owl clearly had his eyes on tits at a feeding station and this gives the species an advantage over other species that are rodent specialists. A real surprise in Maridalen was a Merlin on Friday. My attention was drawn to it by the Hawk Owl that had become alert and was staring at on a tree top quite a distance away. I dismissed it as a Sparrowhawk but something stirred in my grey matter and I looked at it again more closely and realised it was probably a Merlin and when it then flew that ID was confirmed. This is Oslo’s first January record (and there are none from December either). The sunny and relatively warm weather (just over zero) on Friday also caused a number of species to start singing and woodpeckers to drum. I have had nightly trips into Maridalen with Jr where she drives meaning I can use the thermal imager. With it being cold and the ground and trees covered in snow the imager works exceptionally well at the moment. Mammals have been very scarce though with just one Moose and three Roe Deer seen but roosting birds have been unusually easy to find with two roosting Treecreepers and also a few roosting Magpies found. I will have a separate post on the Treeceepers as they are quite fascinating. I will start with that undoubtedly is one of my very worst videos although it is at least not shaky King Eider (praktærfugl), Common Eider (ærfugl) and Velvet Scoter (sjøorre) at more than 2km range. The two birders in the boat took a much better picture Pygmy Owl (spurveugle) in the Dale after so much time watching the Hawk Owl I had forgotten how small Pygmy Owl is Hawk Owl at sunrise (picture taken at 09:06) at one stage it got ready to pounce but in the end nothing happened. I assume it had heard a vole under the snow not an easy hunting ground and I saw no rodent tracks on the snow a couple of Yellowhammers (gulspurv) observed the owl from a respectful distance the Merlin (dvergfalk) which I found due to the Hawk Owl I had hoped to be able to get pictures of owls in front of the moon but it is now too late as it disappeared below the horixon at dawn a 2y male Pintail (stjertand) that is overwintering in Oslo and an overwintering Teal (krikkand) a very strange Mallard (stokkand) presumably with a good dose of domestic duck in it. With that yellow bill I am also unsure if it is male or female Purple Sandpiper (fjæreplytt) and cockles? and here lots of baby mussels a Robin (rødstrupe) in an unexpected place Three-toed Woodpecker (tretåspett) This Water Rail (vannrikse) at Fornebu would disappear in holes under the snow one of those Herring Gulls (gråmåke) that remind you why you don't like gulls

JACKSON, Miss. (January 17, 2025) – Today, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (Corps) released its official Record of Decision to build the Yazoo Pumps, a massive agricultural drainage project in...

14672 SAN FRANCISCO (January 17, 2025) -- The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals today upheld a 2020 district court decision that struck down the basis for oil and gas leasing on more than a million...

It’s so hard to imagine how a bird that weighs as little as a few pennies can withstand a cross-country migration that people have invented myths to explain it. According to one particularly...

Af Michael Mosebo Jensen Hvis vejrudsigten holder med svag vind fra sydøst parret med god vandstand, er det oplagt med en start på langturen ved Ballum Sluse kl....

(Washington, D.C., January 16, 2025)— The Bureau of Land Management on Thursday announced finalized Resource Management Plans for Colorado and Oregon that represent an important step forward in...

Too often, the debate over climate solutions centers on perceived trade-offs between conservation and decarbonization, community and development, pollution and profitability. But responsible clean...

Efter afholdelse af DOF-Vestjyllands ordinære generalforsamling d. 28. januar kl. 19.00 i Aulum Fritidscenter er der mulighed for at komme med på en tur til ”Sverige...

At Audubon Southwest, we engage with the Arizona State Legislature to support legislation that stewards our lands and waters; and to oppose legislation that would harm them. Working across the...

NEW YORK / SANTIAGO / BOGOTA (January 15, 2025) – Audubon today announced that the 2025 Audubon Photography Awards is expanding to include submissions from Chile and Colombia in addition to the...

Birds like the Blackburnian Warbler and Red Knot illustrate how birds connect people across the Western Hemisphere. Blackburnian Warblers migrate from Canada’s Boreal Forest to Colombia’s...

Ynglesæsonen 2024 resulterede i en tilbagegang på 2,6 procent for de danske skarver sammenlignet med året før. Optællerne registrerede 30.281 reder fordelt på 89 lokaliteter landet over. Bekæmpelse af ynglende skarver og jagende havørne har reduceret bestanden. Størst tilbagegang har skarven haft i Limfjorden, Lillebælt og omkring Sydfyn. DOF BirdLife opfordrer myndighederne til at drosle ned for bekæmpelsen af skarver og i stedet lade havørne stå for ?naturens orden?.

Im back from vacation! I returned from three weeks of holiday on Zealand, and with no time wasted I immediately started birding on the 14/1, which resulted in a two Iceland Gulls (Hvidvinget Måge), an...

Som tidligere beskrevet i "Nyheder fra ringmærkerne, december '24" blev der på Fyn/Langeland, i efteråret 2024 GPS-mærket 7 solsorte med ICARUS tags. Projektet...

“To be is to do.” Socrates said that once. Or maybe he didn’t, since the quote has been attributed to many others as well. Birds don’t care about such questions; sometimes they seem content...

Regjeringen ofrer sjøfuglene til fordel for næringsinteresser som bidrar til å ødelegge vårt felles matfat i havet.

We’re heartbroken to share the news that a beloved staff member, Dr. Emma Greig, passed away last month from cancer at the age of 43. Emma grew up in Michigan,... Read more »

Af alle fugle sidder kragefuglene øverst i kundskabens træ. Men et er klogskab, noget andet er popularitet. Husskader, krager, råger og ravne har det med at dele nationen. Nogle hylder de intellektuelle blandt fuglene, andre finder kragefuglene for talrige, støjende og så pågående, at de bør reguleres. Ornitologer og jægere samarbejder om at blive klogere på de kloge kragefugle i en fælles forståelse for arternes roller i vores natur.

Our Editor-in-Chief, Jenny Gill, shares with you our most-downloaded articles of 2024. The post Most-downloaded IBIS papers of 2024 appeared first on British Ornithologists' Union.
