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26. mar. 2025 kl. 01:21
Juvenile Brown Pelicans aren’t exactly cooperative—like any tween they’re instantly recalcitrant when faced with authority. “One volunteer had their hat stolen by a pelican that was resisting...

26. mar. 2025 kl. 01:14
It is springtime in North America—a season of transformation. The arrival of migratory birds, blooming flowers, and longer days signal renewal and possibility. Across the Western Hemisphere, the...

What: A sprawling network of seasonal lakes, pools, and marshes amid grasslands that supports waterfowl, shorebirds, and prairie species galore. Where: Stretching from Iowa through Minnesota...

.dropcap { color: #838078; float: left; font-size: 82px; line-height: 60px; padding: 5px 8px 0 0; } .art-aside-tmp { height: auto !important; min-height: auto...

.dropcap { color: #838078; float: left; font-size: 82px; line-height: 60px; padding: 5px 8px 0 0; } .art-aside-tmp { height: auto !important; min-height: auto...

Dallas May can’t help but feel that something is missing. For more than a decade he’s been working to restore shortgrass prairie habitat to support wildlife on his family’s 20,000-acre ranch in...

In the late 1990s, as an ecologist at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Martin Wikelski guesses he drove every mile of the Prairie State’s backroads in a two-toned Oldsmobile. But these...

In early spring, melted snow and rain trickle through forests, forming pools amid the leaf litter. Within these basins, life begins to sing. Frogs and salamanders migrate from winter dens to these...

Roughly 15 years ago Dave Mickelson began to see flocks of Sandhill Cranes floating gently onto his Wisconsin farm, their long legs extended like aircraft landing gear. Spring after spring the...

One June morning in 2017, Roger Crandall looked out the window of his southern Indiana home to see someone pointing a spotting scope at his pear trees. The stranger in his neighbor’s yard was Amy...

Group trips are a great way for birders to enjoy nature together. While guided walks are the go-to outing for many event organizers, why not let the birds come to you? A bird sit is an outing in...

(Santiago, Chile-March 24, 2025)-- The National Audubon Society today announced government recognition of its programs in Chile, broadening the organization’s wingspan in South America. While...

 (Santiago, Chile- 24 de marzo, 2025)— National Audubon Society reiteró hoy su compromiso de trabajo en conservación en Chile con la oficialización de su presencia en el país, lo que le...

On a warm afternoon in Chicago’s McKinley Park, Em De Blas was guiding a group of birders when they spotted a Downy Woodpecker “going ham” on a tree. In both English and Spanish, De Blas...

When marine ecologist Casey Benkwitt set out to study coral reefs, she never thought she’d spend so much time thinking about bird poop. Now, six years after she started exploring how seabird guano...

Hej! After my alarm clock woke me up today at 04:50 I immediatly checked the weather radar to see if the rainy forecast from yesterday evening was still up to date. It was and also a quick check outside...

Ringmærkningen: Lidt uventet var der tåge,men også en smule vind så der var intet dug i nogen net. I dag var Janus som kommmer fra en vildtplejestation og var med for at lære lidt om ringmærkning....

Ringmærkningen: Xxxxxx Trækket på Odden: En kold og fugtig morgen med tåge over havet og sigtbarhed helt ned til kun et par hundrede meter ind imellem, men vinden var drejet om i vest, og det gav...

To begin with, a little update on last night: First, we did not catch an owl, unfortunately. Second, our ?UFO? on the nightsky comes from the launch of a Space X rocket and has been observed by many...

Ayana Elizabeth Johnson believes humans can restore and protect nature while staring down a planetary crisis. She’s convinced we can limit warming, prevent climate disasters, transform our culture...

Before retiring from his career as an oil and gas engineer, John Allaire bought a slice of paradise: more than a half-mile of oceanfront in Louisiana’s Cameron Parish, backed by 300-plus acres of...

Who's Kenn? Simply put, Kenn is a national treasure. A renowned birder, author, and conservationist, Kenn Kaufman has spent his life dedicated to observing birds, reading about birds, writing...

Artist Rosalie Haizlett likes to zoom in on the small and overlooked wonders of nature—tiny fungi, delicate plants, or, in this case, feathers of common birds. In “Wildwing Triptych,” she...

24. mar. 2025 kl. 19:08
Most avid birders come across a banded bird sooner or later, but might not know how important it is to report what they see. Banded bird sighting reports are vitally important to the conservation and...

From the Spring 2025 issue of Living Bird magazine. Subscribe now. Artist Brant Georgia based his Pileated Woodpeckers oil painting on his experiences watching a nest in the red pine forests of his home state... Read more »
