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Vil du gerne lære nogle af fuglene stemmer at kende? DOF Østjylland udbyder i foråret 2025 tre kurser med fokus på forårets fuglestemmer. De tre kurser kan...
Ringmærkningen: Som prognosen sagde i går så holdt den stik med at der skulle komme tåge. Allerede i stuen kunne jeg ikke se lyset fra færgehavnen, og da jeg kiggede mod fyret var den slem, så kun...
Ringmærkningen: I dag var tågen væk så alt kom op. Solen var pænt fremme det meste af perioden og det gjorde at nettene hurtigt blev synlige. Der trak en del grønsisken over, men det gode vejr...
Ringmærkningen: Xxxx Trækket på Odden: Det blev en fin lørdag uden fredagens tåge, og så foregik dagens tælling i godt selskab. Det er altid både fagligt og socialt meget bedre at være flere...
Before the Biggest Week in American Birding festival launched 15 years ago, many hotels, restaurants, and ice cream shops on northwest Ohio’s Lake Erie shores didn’t open until late June, when...
Ringmærkning: Vi kunne se tåge mod fyret og det er sjældent godt da der jo så er meget fugt i luften. Jeg tjekkede radaren og der var intet, men det dryppede lidt men ikke mere end at nettene kunne...
21. feb. 2025 kl. 00:00
Ringmærkning: Xxxxxx Trækket på Odden: Der har været folk ude at tælle træk på Odden tidligere i år, men fredag 21. februar var den første dag i fuglestationens forårsstandard, og hvis det ikke...
10. februar bad vi jer om ekstraordinært at hjælpe Gedser Fuglestation økonomisk. 15. februar havde I allerede givet os 6.000 kr. Pr. 21. februar er der kommet yderligere 12.650 kr., så I tilsammen har givet ekstra-støtte på 18.650 kr. Vi mangler nu "kun" 27.000 kr. Vi er dybt taknemmelige.
Last night I took Jack to hopefully see the Great Grey Owl. Jr did an excellent job driving us again and this was a big night for Jack. It was his, perhaps final, chance to prove that he is not a jinx. It has to be said that having him in along is normally just for his delightful company as bird wise we normally see Jack.. 😉 Conditions were good although as has proved to be the case rather too often recently temperatures were 4 degrees colder than forecast so our extremities had to deal with -13C. It was cloudless and pretty much windless but the moon was not up. We did not go chasing Tengmalm’s but did hear three or four and saw one but it was the GG that was the absolute main target. The bird we heard last year was Jack’s one and only encounter with the species and that was a long range hear so too see one would be something else. Jr was also unusually invested in getting to see one. Our first attempt drew a blank but at another place we heard a bird albeit distantly. We then tried to get closer which proved unsuccesfull and we could not locate exactly where the bird was but eventually approached our first stop again and heard that individual was now in full throttle. It was actually quite easy to find him as he sat quite high up in a spruce and looked down at us as he threw out his deep hoots. I am quite famous within an admittedly extremely small circle for my Great Grey impression and I tried it out on this bird. I immediately got his attention but after a quick look he then decided to fly to another tree 10m away. The way he looked over his shoulder at me when he landed was difficult to interpret – it was either come chase me handsome or you scare me big boy. Either way I think we can say I have clearly got a future as a GG impersonator. The night was already made and it was only 8pm so we decided to have a few other stops and this is when things got interesting. We heard a hooting that matched the frequency and depth of a GG but the sound was very gruff. We were unable to get close to it and get a recording but my conclusion is that it was a GG with a speech impediment. However, in the same area we then heard three different sounds. One was a barking that may very well have been a female Ural Owl, the other a high pitched owly noise that resembled a Little Owl (doesn’t occur in Norway) and then a single hoot that I have no idea about. Our attempts to get the source(s) to come closer and call more frequently failed and in the end extreme extremity pain caused us to seek refuge in a now cold car and just start driving home to warm up. This though gives even more reason to visit the area more this spring. I made no attempt to take “proper” photos or videos but did capture the hooting GG on my phone and also took some images with the thermal imager. Despite it being -13C it was only the eyes, bill and legs that lit up showing just how good the thick feathering is to insulate. it was -13C but the body gives off no more heat than the trees heat only comes from eyes, mouth, ears and legs We also heard a Tawny Owl and I saw Hawkie in Maridalen earlier in the day so it was a case of Owl, Owl, Owl & Owl! the Hawk Owl had at times clearly heard something but I am still to see him even attempt to catch something in 2025 but his continued presence obviously means he does Waxwings have been very scarce this winter but I did finally get to see a small flock very well in Maridalen on Wednesday as they fed on the red berries of I believe the black listed garden plant red elderberry (rødhyll) that has spread everywhere. Waxwing (sidensvans) the red waxy tips to the secondaries are clear to see In Maridalen lots of Common Crossbills are still coming down to the roads and I have managed better footage showing that it must be salts/minerals they are licking rather than grit they are eating although I am sure they do both. It was unsurprising that I found a roadkill male which allowed a closer look at its impressive bill. I was tempted to dissect it to look at the contents of its stomach but thought that was a step too far for citizen science. salt licking male Common Crossbill (grankorsnebb) and female and some photos of the dead bird. I had wanted to open the bill to look at the tongue but I was just unable and did not fancy having to snap it open
Lørdag den 15. februar afholdt Ørneklubben fastelavnstur til Bøjden Nor. Det var der mange børn med voksne, der benyttede sig af. Fem fugleambassadører ledte...
In 1912, William Eagle Clarke [1853-1938] published his monumental ‘Studies in Bird Migration’, marking the end of centuries when some of the secrets of migration were gradually revealed by observations alone. Until about 1900, the recording of arrival and departure dates of breeding and wintering birds, and observations of birds on the move provided [...] The post Blinded by the Light appeared first on British Ornithologists' Union.
20. feb. 2025 kl. 04:02
(Ten Sleep, Wyo. February 19, 2025) — The National Audubon Society proudly announces Carter Ranch, the home of Carter Country Meats located in northern Washakie County on the western slope of the...
20. feb. 2025 kl. 03:54
Last week, members of the Delaware River Watershed Caucus introduced the Delaware River Basin Restoration Program Reauthorization Act of 2025. The bill would extend program authorization through 2032...
20. feb. 2025 kl. 01:00

BirdLife Norge søker nå en dyktig og positiv kontormedarbeider for å jobbe med sentrale driftsoppgaver ved vårt organisasjonskontor i Trondheim. Utlysningen gjelder en fast stilling i heltid.
Som prognosen sagde i går så var der næsten 10 m/s middelvind og temperaturen lå på minus 2,3 da jeg satte nettene op, så jeg begrænsede hvor mange net der kom op. Første runde var tom, men så...
19. feb. 2025 kl. 20:18
Two weeks ago, I went on my first pelagic birding boat trip off the central coast of California. It was foggy, it was 10 hours, and it was glorious. While we were out in the middle of the Pacific...
Der er kommet lidt opdateringer til siden med program og dagsorden for generalforsamlingen d. 22. februar!Den væsentligste ændring er en opdatering af listen med...
Havørnenes ynglesæson er netop indledt med jævnlige parringer, indretning af reden og aflevering af bytte. Kig med på direkte ØrneTV, hvor dramaer kan udspille sig hvert øjeblik.
På 24 steder landet over står DOF BirdLifes erfarne ornitologer søndag d. 23. februar klar til at udpege den danske naturs største flyvende jægere. Arrangørerne krydser fingre for koldt, klart vejr, og hvis ørnevejret ellers arter sig, er der (næsten) garanti for havørne på himlen.
Da jeg skulle ud var der 4,7 graders frost, og ikke nok med det så så det ud som om det havde sneet, men det var kraftig frost og rim som dækkede alt. Nettene var dækket af 1mm frost så nogle var...
Her et par uger efter Ragnar tog hjem og inden forårets første assistent (Lucas) ankommer senere i denne uge, så jeg lige et snit til at skrive en sjælden dagbog fra min hånd. Vintermånederne er...
Indkaldelse til Generalforsamling i Danmarks Ringmærkerforening, 2025.Dalum Landbrugsskole, Landbrugsvej 65, 5260 Odense S.Søndag den 23. februar 2025 kl. 09.00-10.30....
On Sunday night myself, Jack and Jr had planned a new trip to Owl Road but the forecast kept getting colder and colder and in the end I decided it would just be too cold to be out trying to get photos and film which was my main aim. The forecast later in the week was for warmer, but still minus temperatures so we decided to plan on going another day. As things transpired Jr Jr needed to be picked up from a friend later in the evening from a place which was about a quarter of the way to owl road so I, spur of the moment, decided to go owling on my own. And that turned out to be a good decision despite nearly getting frostbite in my fingers. It was dead still, with not a breath of wind and cloudless although the moon wasn’t up. Temperatures were about -16C which isn’t that cold but holding on to metal objects without gloves does soon lead to great pain. I also find I don’t function that well in the cold and dark when I am trying to operate a camera which requires me to have my glasses on when viewing the screen, no gloves to operate the screen, pointing a headtorch in the right direction whilst also looking at the camera, having to switch to and operate manual focus at times, and also having to hold me breath as I was producing so much cloudy “breath” that the light of the head torch would just reflect back off it. I did manage to take a lot of film and pictures though with surprisingly few ending being immediately placed in the trash. Unfortunately I discovered fewer videos on my phone and camera than I thought I had taken so clearly had my usual problem of not pressing the record button when I thought I had. I managed to see Tengmalm’s Owl well this time and eventually get some footage of two males although my initial attempts were fruitless and I was close to giving up. I also heard and recorded a male giving a call very similar to Tawny Owl which I have heard only once before. A presumed female also gave a “tsjuck” call whilst a male was singing. This was only the starter though. There had been very little traffic along the road and I had not seen any other owlers until quarter past nine when a car pulled up next to me as I was trying to film a Tengmalm’s. After working out who we were (not easy in the dark and with hats on) I was informed that there were Great Grey Owls also to be heard that night… And it turned out not just heard but also, it turned out a half hour later, to be seen 😊 I consumed that main course slowly and with great delight but had to wait until Monday morning for dessert which was Hawkie selling its wares again in the Dale. Owls, Owls, Owls!!!!! singing Great Grey Owl (lappugle) footage of the GG from the bazooka: footage of the GG from the phone: Tengmalm's Owl (perleugle) video from the bazooka: this video has song and also the Tawny Owl like call: Hawk Owl (haukugle) and various pictures from my phone: filming the GG Tengmalms's

Etter at syv søknader om fellingstillatelse på inntil 79 grågjess ble godkjent i Harstad, har Sivilombudet sett på om tillatelsene og påfølgende klagebehandling har fulgt lovverket. Lovverket rundt skadefelling av fugler og dyr er strengt, og det er høy terskel for å få slike tillatelser. Nå som grågåsa snart inntar landet, bør alle merke seg hva Sivilombudet mener skal til for å få slike tillatelser.
Det var ikke så koldt som i går så alt blev sat op(der var lige omkring minus 2). Solen var på fra start til slut, så efter 9 var der vist kun en enkelt fugl ud af dagens 11 fugle der blev fanget....