Beskrivelse: Vegamåge er den mest talrige af Sølvmåge-typerne i Sydkorea om vinteren, især på østkysten.
De adulte har om vinteren ofte meget mørktstribet hoved og hals.
Beskrivelse: Thought I would add these to the gallery. Not so many Vega Gull photos on Netfugl. Definitely an interesting bird to know more about. Also just posted a series of gull photos on our blog, with mix of northern and eastern gulls. Like stated on the blog: all gull photos on the blogpost are free to copy/use if this is of interest. I enjoy reading the many gull id-discussion around, so if this can be usefull for someone, then just copy from the blog.
more gull photos at:
Beskrivelse: Thought I would add these to the gallery. Not so many Vega Gull photos on Netfugl. Definitely an interesting bird to know more about. Also just posted a series of gull photos on our blog, with mix of northern and eastern gulls. Like stated on the blog: all gull photos on the blogpost are free to copy/use if this is of interest. I enjoy reading the many gull id-discussion around, so if this can be usefull for someone, then just copy from the blog.
more gull photos at:
Beskrivelse: Thought I would add these to the gallery. Not so many Vega Gull photos on Netfugl. Definitely an interesting bird to know more about. Also just posted a series of gull photos on our blog, with mix of northern and eastern gulls. Like stated on the blog: all gull photos on the blogpost are free to copy/use if this is of interest. I enjoy reading the many gull id-discussion around, so if this can be usefull for someone, then just copy from the blog.
more gull photos at:
Beskrivelse: A group of gulls at Meinypilgyno, southeastern part of Chukotka. From left to right: 2nd c.y. vegae/shistisagus, ad vegae, 3rd c.y. vegae/shistisagus, 3rd c.y. vegae, ad hyperboreus, ad vegae, 2nd c.y. vegae/shistisagus, ad vegae/shistisagus, ad vegae/shistisagus x 2 and ad vegae. At Meinypilgyno, predominantly vegae were seen but also several shistisagus and several intermediates. Interestingly, up north in Anadyr, the gull-population obviously consisted of pure vegae. In the southeast of Chukotka, shistisagus represented appr at least 1/3 of the gulls seen. At Beringovskiy in between (close to Mys Navarin), not a single vegae were seen! Comments on this would be very appreciated!
David's huvudfråga kan jag inte besvara. Däremot tycks vegae och shistisagusi komma i kontakt med varandra i den sydöstra delen av vegae's utbredningsområde där uppenbarligen en viss hybridisering förekommer (Yésou 2002, Portenko 2001).
Utifrån det resonemanget är David's bild ovan intressant också utifrån ett identifikations perspektiv.
De fåglar som anges som ad vegae med homogen gråton (på bilden)har ett useende som pasar bra för vegae i det angivna utbredningsområdet, skära ben + mörk gråton Den mörka fågeln i förgrunden näst längst till höger kan man undra över. Den ser shistisagus mörk ut. Emellertid, förmodligen inte shistisagus pga smala vita tertial spetsar och man ser inte antydan till breda vita spetsarna på armpennor som ofta är synliga på hoplagd vinge för att nämna några karaktärer. Röda gonys fläcken spiller över på övre näbbhalvan. Vore intressant om det fanns fler bilder på den/dessa?
...glömde i sammanhanget fågel nr 3 ifrån vänster, som också ser intressant ut utifrån det angivna perspektivet vegae, shistisagus, hybrid. Mörkare samt intryck av shistisagus byggnad
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Thanks, DAVID, for a Spectacular VEGA moult,
possibly unique among GULLS:
¤ Dark-Grey mantle/saddle + much White wings
¤ PURE White body Front- and Hind parts,
tipped by black/dark brown.
+ Heavy body, steady flight...
+ A stain of eye mascara
Vega i Smuk dragt m/kontraster og symmetri,
- vel unik blandt Måger.
KR / VH og TAK ............ C.
Thanks Carsten for your comments.
Well, I wouldn't personally say that the moult is unique. The moult pattern is quite normal for a 2nd summer large gull, but the striking, contrasting general appearance is due to the relatively worn remiges and wing coverts from the first complete moult last summer. The wear can probably be explained by the fact that this species winters quite far away to the south, where sun-bleaching etc. has quite a strong impact on the feathers.
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