Titel: Re-fueling after a long non-stop migration from i.e. Yucatan (app. 18 hours). The black mulberries are perfect for the purpose - contains lots of sugar.
Fototeknisk info
Kameramodel: Canon EOS R5 Blænde: 10 Brændvidde: 700 Lukkertid: 1/1328 ISO: 1600 Flash: Flash did not fire Dimensioner: 1200x869
Titel: Lucy's Warbler is about the only warbler breeding in the 'hot deserts' in SW- USA. It can seem very plain gray as here, but there is some brown on the upper tail - and the male has a small brown crown. Here as typical seen in mesquite not yet leafed out.
Fototeknisk info
Kameramodel: Canon EOS R5 Blænde: 10 Brændvidde: 700 Lukkertid: 1/1328 ISO: 500 Flash: Flash did not fire Dimensioner: 1200x868
Titel: Fine birding in this Mojave Desert oasis - close to Death Valley N. P. i.e. 7 species of ducks
Beskrivelse: The white lake-shore is due to alkaline/saline soils containing Zeolite (Aluminium/silicium-oxid) .. in many aspects a very biologically productive 'park' - and very different from the near by Death Valley.
Fototeknisk info
Kameramodel: Canon EOS R5 Blænde: 10 Brændvidde: 700 Lukkertid: 1/1024 ISO: 4000 Flash: Flash did not fire Dimensioner: 1200x867
Beskrivelse: DKC 3900918. A. canadensis x A. anser; male at least 5½ years old, ringed at Sortedams Søen as an adult bird, 2½ years ago - and now seen again less than 5 km from location where getting the ring.
Fototeknisk info
Kameramodel: Canon EOS R5 Blænde: 5 Brændvidde: 223 Lukkertid: 1/664 ISO: 2500 Flash: Flash did not fire Dimensioner: 1200x869
Beskrivelse: Mixed scrub/woodland in rocky outcrop. Here in the dominant tree in the area: Stone Oak (Q. ilex). The individual maybe with a little more contrast in the face-pattern than avarage.
Fototeknisk info
Kameramodel: Canon EOS R5 Blænde: 7.1 Brændvidde: 500 Lukkertid: 1/1024 ISO: 1600 Flash: Flash did not fire Dimensioner: 1200x874
Titel: The ssp aquaticus differs from ssp. cinclus by the very visible chestnut-brown band below the white breast and also it's not as dark above as the northern ssp. cinclus
Beskrivelse: The streams in the center of the little town holds at least 3-4 pairs of dippers. Here the bird is collecting nesting material from the walls of the drain pipe
Fototeknisk info
Kameramodel: Canon EOS R5 Blænde: 7.1 Brændvidde: 500 Lukkertid: 1/1024 ISO: 2500 Flash: Flash did not fire Dimensioner: 1200x872
Titel: 2 hybrider (?) i en flok på omkring 100 Grågæs. Anser SP. x Branta canadensis
Beskrivelse: Begge fuglene var kun en smule større end grågæssene og mere brunt-tonede end Canadagæs i ren form er. Næb lidt afvigende, en fugl med mere smudsig kindplet end den anden, en med gule ben, en med grå-blå. Mon det kan være søskende - med forskelligt hybrid-udtryk ?
Titel: Neither the Parakit nor the tree is native to the Buenos Aires area. The parakit originates in the Pantanal well north of Buenos Aires and the White Mulberry in Asia.
Fototeknisk info
Kameramodel: Canon EOS R5 Blænde: 6.3 Brændvidde: 400 Lukkertid: 1/1024 ISO: 1250 Flash: Flash did not fire Dimensioner: 1200x867
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