Beskrivelse: This picture shows why the subspecies name is <i>negripes</i>. Obviously the feet are more black than in ssp. <i>garzetta</i> the familiar European bird with all-yellow brightly coloured feet. Here only sole of the feet are 'dirty' yellow - along with lines on the inner-lateral part of the legs (a none-breeding or sub-adult bird feature?).
Beskrivelse: This first encounter with the bird was inside the city limit, and was not expected since the field guides does not mention urban areas as habitat. Here the bird is 'shot' on an empty building lot near the town center. Later we experienced that from time to time it was easy to meet this scrubfowl playing golf or in The Botanical Garden and in Charles Darwin National Park.
Beskrivelse: Only seen inside the city limits of Darwin !!
Another encounter was.. Nesting on an empty building-lot in the center (also Orange-footed Scrubfowl on the same lot). These three birds here were standing in the shade of the big trees... motionless.
Not a very common bird in WA and NT - and often not seen since night-active and hiding. So rather funny that 'down-town' Darwin seems like a good opportunity to twitch the bird ;-)
Beskrivelse: Bl.a. i "The Herons" (Kushlan & Hancock 2005) regnes <i>modesta</i>-racen som en selvstændig art. Racen er, så vidt jeg husker, bl.a. truffet i Spanien og Italien.
Uploadet 2009-11-21
2009-11-21Ardea modestaEastern Great Egret
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