Beskrivelse: Denne sorte stenpikker er rapporteret som "Basaltstenpikker" - den sjældne og meget lidt udbredte sorte form af Klippestenpikker, der findes ved mørk basalt i S Syrien og N Jordan.
Eftersom Basaltstenpikker er dårligt kendt ville det være fint med kommentarer fra stenpikker-kyndige, for at udelukke f.eks. mørk fase af Orientstenpikker Oenanthe picata.
Fuglen danner par med Hvidrygget Stenpikker hun, og findes ved at køre ad vej 400 mellem Birezik og Sanliurfa. I Sanliurfas udkant peger et skilt med en gazelle mod syd - tag denne vej 7.5 km.
This black wheatear was reported as "Basalt Wheatear" - the poorly known and very range-restricted so-called black morph of Mourning Wheatear from black soil in S Syria and N Jordan.
As Basalt Wheatear is a poorly known form, I hope for comments from birders confidential with this form and other black wheatears from the Middle East. Could this bird be idenfifyed safely from the dark morph of Eastern Pied Wheatear (Oenanthe picata). The primaries showed pale in innerwebs, but according to the few aviable illustrations of Basalt Wheatear, the pale areas should possibly be more extensive?
The bird is paired with a female Finch´s Wheatear and present for some days. Directions: take road 400 between Birezik and Sanliurfa. in the outskris of Sanliurfa look for a brown sign with a gazelle. Turn south along dirt roas towards gazelle area and look for the wheatear 7.5 km from road 400.
Jeg vover lige et lille indspark:
Hånden ser ikke så lys ud på dette billede (men måske mere lys på andre fotos: Jeg går ud fra, det er samme fugl (?).
Og burde Klippe-/Basaltstenpikker ikke have mørke spidser på håndsvingfjerene? (mindt så meget som ses på P4 i højre vinge). Og lysere hånddækfjer?
Og hvad med vingeformlen - ser det ikke også ud til at P3=P4=P5 ? Det taler vel imod Klippestenpikker. Men OK, det kræver nok yderligere fotos at forvisse sig om.
Mere om Basaltstenpikker:
Her nævnes det samtidig, at bedste kendetegn til adskillelse fra Eastern Pied (=Variable Wheatear = O. picata) fra Basalt er: "They (Basalt) differ from Eastern Pied Wheatear in wing pattern in flight, fewer primary emarginations* (Cramp, 1988) and more extensive black on the undertail (see Clement, 1987)".
* "Fewer primary emarginations" vil her sige højst 2.
Hej Klaus.
Mit indtryk af Orientstenpikker, er en mere slank fugl, som bruger det meste af sin tid oppe i træerne. Det virker som om den har en levevis mere som en Rødstjert.
Helt enig med Henrik. Glem 'Orientekspressen'.....
Syntes at den virker lidt for langnæbbet til lugens, og den savner jo aldeles det diagnostiske hvide 'flash' på hånd og arm!
Eksperter bedes kaste lys over bestemmelsen af denne mystiske fugl.
Expert opinions wanted on this odd bird....
Hi Peter and Henrik,
KMO notes that the bird "showed pale in innerwebs (of primaries), but according to the few aviable illustrations of Basalt Wheatear, the pale areas should possibly be more extensive".
In the Basalt Wheatear-article (my 2nd link above) it is mentioned that the pale remex bases in Basalt is "much less extensive than in Mourning". Could this contribute in any way?
As Peter mentions, the bill seems not quite right (too long) for Mourning (lugens).
Might KMO or EVH have any pictures where the number of emarginations on the outer web of the primaries can be seen? (OK, I know this is very optimistic and would require really good photos, but anyway...).
That Eastern Pied (Variable) normally sticks to trees (as Henrik mentions) can't really rule out that possibility.
Peter seems certain that Eastern Pied is nonsense. Is that based on any plumage characters? (sorry for asking, but I don't know Eastern Pied, but got the impression that the two species are quite similar).
I must emphasize that I cannot identify this bird but I find it interesting, and hope that my contributions are not annoying.
Sorry, I should have been more elaborate.
I would guess Eastern Pied highly unlikely to breed in central Turkey (with a Finsch's wheatear!), but geografics aside, I perceive Eastern Pied as having the legs set quite differently compared to most other Wheatear-species.
They seem to come out from a more central point of the body, and they appear somewhat short as well.
Furthermore the tail seems rather long, thus creating a wing/tail ratio which is different from, say, Mourning, Finch's and Northern.
It would be interesting to know if a (hitherto?) unknown black morph of Finch's Wheatear is a possibility, since the rare black morph of Mourning Wheatear from the Middle East, is dependent(?) of a specific habitat, and is frankly not a likely candidate for breeding in Turkey.
Thanks for showing these images of an most intriguing bird.
From your comments I take it that the id. is not yet 'carved in basalt'.....what is your thoughts, and do you have photos showing whether the wingtips reach the black of the tail (as in lugens)or not(as in Finschii)?
How was its size compared to the female Finsch's it was seen with, and how does the suggestion of a dark morph Eastern Pied (picata) fit your(?) experience with said species ?
I still don't see why this is a Variable. It simply does not look like one due to several discrepencies already mentioned.
Henrik is spot on with the Redstart comparison (I am aware that he solely refers to its habits), but if applied to the look of its legs (size and placements),they are certainly more Redstart-like than the very 'classic' Oenanthe captured here.
The thought of a Variable paired with a Finsch's so far away from the formers range, is IMO distinctly odd, so I look forward to see a coming photo here on Netfugl (from Eva Foss Henriksen) showing the pair together.
After having read the different discussions you so kindly linked to, I have a feeling that general concensus is hard to reach in this case................
Beskrivelse: Denne sorte stenpikker er rapporteret som "Basaltstenpikker" - den sjældne og meget lidt udbredte sorte form af Klippestenpikker, der findes ved mørk basalt i S Syrien og N Jordan.
Eftersom Basaltstenpikker er dårligt kendt ville det være fint med kommentarer fra stenpikker-kyndige, for at udelukke f.eks. mørk fase af Orientstenpikker Oenanthe picata.
Fuglen danner par med Hvidrygget Stenpikker hun, og findes ved at køre ad vej 400 mellem Birezik og Sanliurfa. I Sanliurfas udkant peger et skilt med en gazelle mod syd - tag denne vej 7.5 km.
This black wheatear was reported as "Basalt Wheatear" - the poorly known and very range-restricted so-called black morph of Mourning Wheatear from black soil in S Syria and N Jordan.
As Basalt Wheatear is a poorly known form, I hope for comments from birders confidential with this form and other black wheatears from the Middle East. Could this bird be idenfifyed safely from the dark morph of Eastern Pied Wheatear (Oenanthe picata). The primaries showed pale in innerwebs, but according to the few aviable illustrations of Basalt Wheatear, the pale areas should possibly be more extensive?
The bird is paired with a female Finch´s Wheatear and present for some days. Directions: take road 400 between Birezik and Sanliurfa. in the outskris of Sanliurfa look for a brown sign with a gazelle. Turn south along dirt roas towards gazelle area and look for the wheatear 7.5 km from road 400.
The jizz is not good for lugens, which I perceive as less robust with a finer bill and proportionately larger eye.
Furthermore the primary-projection seems too short although hard to establish clearly on this photo due the wing position.
"Could this bird be identified safely from the dark morph of Eastern Pied Wheatear (O. picata)?"
I would say it definitely can, since O.picata has an altogether different stance with shorter legs positioned more to front of the body. It also has a finer bill and a slightly longer tail.
Both the 'basalt' (lugens), and the dark morph Eastern Pied (picata) are extremely unlikely to occur (breeding!) in Turkey.
The photos taken by you and E.F.H. all point to the obvious conclusion:
An abberantly coloured 'melanistic', or hitherto undescribed 'black morph' of Finsch's Wheatear (O. finschii).
Had the bird been 'leucistic' or 'diluted', I trust the id. had been pretty straightforward.
The fact that no all-black Wheatear-species occur in Turkey, probably set the pulse racing in the folks who initially found it, and by a stroke of "MEGA-fever" propelled them to write a report announcing a new species for the country!
Once more, congratulations with contributing to a brand new chapter of Wheatear identification!
Oh - wheatears, how little we know about some of them! Not meaning that Peter is incorrect and so on.
Therefore - just to mention - I wondered about this
First I was exited by Tim´s answer until I read Guy´s answer. Pitty indeed!
Following the discussions, on not at least Eva Foss Henriksen photoes, showing size and jizz identical the the female Finch´s, I have changed the name - which do not mean that ID comments stille are welcomed
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Det ligner IKKE en lugens.
Den mangler fuldstændig de lyse YDER- såvel som INDERfaner på hånd-og armsvingfjer, der giver dette specielle 'flash' hos den flyvende fugl.
Hvad skulle den iøvrigt så langt hjemmefra:-)?
Den anden sorte fugl set i Tyrkiet blev da vist heller ikke endeligt bestemt.
Orientstenpikker er IMO HELT ude i hampen, både udseende og udbredelse taget i betragtning.
Fuglen her var parret med en hun Hvidrygget (finschii), og da billedet er taget midt i denne arts udbredelsesområde, hvad er der så til hinder for at det kan være en (endnu?) ikke beskrevet mørk form af denne?
Er der billeder der viser om den sammenfoldede vingespids slutter inden eller efter det hvide på halen?
Se FIF, nye udgave side 286.
ps blev sangen hørt og hvis ja hvilken art lød den da som?
Mon Netfugl iflg. debatten vil flytte dette foto hen under Hvidrygget Stenpikker tilsvarende KMOs fotos af samme fugl ,samt ændre undertitlen fra ” Basalt Wheatear?” til ”black morph”.
Considering the discussion of the bird a request of changing the phototitle from oenanthe lugens basalt wheatear to oenanthe finschii black morph.
Mvh Eva
Mon Netfugl iflg.debatten vil flytte dette foto hen under Hvidrygget Stenpikker tilsvarende KMOs fotos af samme fugl ,samt ændre undertitlen fra ” Basalt Wheatear?” til ”black morph”.
Considering the discussion of the bird a request of changing the phototitle from oenanthe lugens basalt wheatear to oenanthe finschii black morph.
Mvh Eva
Beskrivelse: Sandsynligvis den Hvidryggede Stenpikker hun,som den mørke mulige Basalt stenpikker dannede par med.Holdt til i det samme lille stenområde som hannen.
Possibly the Finsch`s Wheatear female,the dark Basalt(?)-male paired with in Kizilkuyu,occurring in the same,limited stony area as the dark male.
Mvh Eva
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