Beskrivelse: Den distinkte og store Jocotoco Myrepitta blev sensationelt opdaget som ny art for verden i et bjergområde i det sydligste hjørne af Ecuador af den kendte amerikanske ornitholog Robert S. Ridgely den 20. november 1997, og videnskabeligt beskrevet af Niels Krabbe m.fl i 1999. Den er navngivet efter finderen, og dens latinske navn er derfor Grallaria ridgely. Fuglen har et meget lille udbredelsesområde i det sydligste Ecuador og i det aller nordligste Peru, og er en globalt truet art. Et skovreservat er oprettet af Jocotoco Foundation for at beskytte den, og her kan man nu se den nemt, fordi det igennem længere tid er lykkedes de ansatte på stedet at habituere 2 individer til at søge ud om morgenen på en skovsti på en bjergryg oven for lodgen for at tage orme, som bliver lagt frem til dem. Fuglene kan nydes på få meters afstand, helt utroligt at kunne se en så sjælden og nyopdaget fugl for verden.
Beskrivelse: Early breakfast at 5:30 and then off we went towards the feeding area. The park ranger Domingo were leading the way and although he is not a birder he still manage to imitate a calling Ocellated Tapaculo on the way with prolonged close-up views of this charismatic bird as a result. A little later a Slate-crowned Antpitta was spotted in the bamboo thickets being the first antpitta of the morning. And soon after we saw a Chestnut-naped and then an Undulated Antpitta on the trail. And to complete the antpittas seen this morning a spectacular adult Jocotoco Antpitta - the holy grail of the Tapichalaca Reserve - suddenly looked at us from a few meters distance! One of the two adults visiting the feeding area this morning for the next 45 minutes. The fact that this was a feeding area really didn't make it a less impressive experience. They are totally cool birds! Besides the Jocotoco’s a Chestnut-naped join the party when the Jocotoco's were off feeding the juvenile(s)?. Another Chestnut-naped was seen as well but was much more shy.
After these cool birds we continued on the trail an soon enjoy views of two White‐throated Quail‐dove from a hide. Then thing started to slow this being a sunny morning but the sightings alone of four different antpitta species meant this morning’s birding was a great success!
Beskrivelse: Early breakfast at 5:30 and then off we went towards the feeding area. The park ranger Domingo were leading the way and although he is not a birder he still manage to imitate a calling Ocellated Tapaculo on the way with prolonged close-up views of this charismatic bird as a result. A little later a Slate-crowned Antpitta was spotted in the bamboo thickets being the first antpitta of the morning. And soon after we saw a Chestnut-naped and then an Undulated Antpitta on the trail. And to complete the antpittas seen this morning a spectacular adult Jocotoco Antpitta - the holy grail of the Tapichalaca Reserve - suddenly looked at us from a few meters distance! One of the two adults visiting the feeding area this morning for the next 45 minutes. The fact that this was a feeding area really didn't make it a less impressive experience. They are totally cool birds! Besides the Jocotoco’s a Chestnut-naped join the party when the Jocotoco's were off feeding the juvenile(s)?. Another Chestnut-naped was seen as well but was much more shy.
After these cool birds we continued on the trail an soon enjoy views of two White‐throated Quail‐dove from a hide. Then thing started to slow this being a sunny morning but the sightings alone of four different antpitta species meant this morning’s birding was a great success!
Beskrivelse: Denne art er den største og mest karakteristiske indenfor den særegne slagt Myrepittaer. Dens udbredelse er ekstremt lille; bambusskove i det sydlige Equador.
En sådn art burde have været kendt siden de ældste tider, men nej.... først i november 1997 blev arten opdaget, idet den først blev hørt og mistænkt for at være en frø! Forbavselsen må have været ganske stor, da "frøen" viste sig at være denne ret store fugl!
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