Dear Rodmund.
Do you have more pictures of this bird ? :-) To me there is something wrong with the bill for a common snipe. It is too thick and probably too short. I may be wrong.
Kindly, Rune
As spectacular and extraordinary as Your
photo of Common S. in a Faeroese crystal stream,
25th Dec. of last year!
Above we even see its submersed Leg (= Cinclus),
and (unique in Netfugl's collection:) how 3
stripes (COMMON) join in the nape.
Also its Tail is remarkable, standing up like a
bit of a slim DAVIDOFF cigar, thigh-rolled by a
Let us know if You have comments.
Endnu et bogstaveligt fantastisk billede
af Db. bekk. i krystalklar rivende strøm.
Se benet nede i vandet og Halen løftet for
at holde cigarstumpen tør
+ 3 striber der samles i nakken!
Nu forstår vi, hvorfor der IKKE er plads til
mange vinter-Vandstære (Cinclus) på
WARM rgds ......... C.
Thank´s for comments on this Snipe.
I do agree that this is not a Jack Snipe, however the bill was indeed very short, far too short for a Common snipe and note the steep forhead, this Snipe i belive shows carakters witch are not normal for Common Snipe.
A hybrid came in mind, but i don´t belive that it is the case.
However Pintail Snipe does have at short bill and tend to have a steeper forhead, could this be a Pintail Snipe ?
All my photos are from the same angle so they don´t showe anything new.
Comments are most welcome.
Just a thought: Enjoyed Your nice photo of
faeroeensis Common S., 25th Oct. 2008,
and find some similarities with the above
Both birds have reddish-brown head stripes
(tegninger) - NOT bright (yellowish-white)
like e.g. Danish birds.
Both have an Unusual Whitish 'patch' next to
the bill, under the eye - most prominent on
the 2008 shot [Didn't find this white in
pictures of Pin-tail or Swinhoe's ].
So both could be variations of faeroeensis?
Faeroeensis, ligesom Fint foto 25-10-2008
fra Eysturoy ?
BH / B. rgds. ......... Yours C.
Enig med Carsten i at fuglen er en Dobbeltbekkasin, sandsynligvis faeroeensis. Hvorvidt næbbet var 'alt for kort til DB.' må bero på det indtryk Rodmund fik i felten; der er IMO intet på nærværende billede der ser unormalt ud for DB.
The photo depicts a Common Snipe (faeroensis?),and IMO the bill does not look 'too short' for this species.
Again, with a photo from a different angle, the length of the bill could be judged more precisely, but I am convinced the best is to change the name to Common Snipe.
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