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Bairdsryle (Calidris bairdii) Baird's Sandpiper -
Sjældenhed: SU
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Titel: 1cy

Beskrivelse: 19. September 2000 a juvenile Baird's Sandpiper was discovered among Sanderlings at Stensnæs on the east coat of Northern Jutland, Denmark. This constituted the first Danish record of this North American shorebird. The bird was very confiding and could be watched down to a distance of 15 meters. Often it was feeding alone, 3-10 meters from the shoreline on the dry beach. On the first day the bird was twitched by about 70 birders but for those who did not have time they could count themselves as lucky since the bird proved to be a long-stayer still present today September 22. Baird's Sandpiper was one of the most awaited additions to the Danish bird-list.

Uploadet 2001-08-29 Publiceret 2001-08-29 Calidris bairdii Baird's Sandpiper

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