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Småspove (Numenius phaeopus) Eurasian Whimbrel -
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Titel: Siberian Whimbrel N.p.variegatus ?

Beskrivelse: This interesting bird showing carakters of Siberian Whimbrel ssp. variegatus was seen on the 7th of june at the Faeroes. At first I belived it to bee an American Whimbrel ssp.hudsonicus. It was darker overall than the European N.p.phaeopus seen on the location, it´s underwing was much darker and heavily barred, and the tail and lower rump was much darker than on the European bird. It´s body seemed more compact but larg against the European bird which looked more "elegant". But then it showed a white upper rump. American Whimbrel ssp.hudsonicus I belive should not show this carakter? However this is a key carakter for the Siberian Whimbrel ssp. variegatus. It also showed a whole dark undertail covert, while the European bird showed a white undertail covert with some dark on the sides, it´s primaries showed a more roundish shape against the straight shape of the primaries on the European bird. This is most likly to bee the first record of the ssp. variegatus in Europe as fare as we know, pending acceptance.

Uploadet 2008-06-08 Publiceret 2008-06-08 Numenius phaeopus Whimbrel
6 4532
10. jun. 2008 kl. 19:32
11. jun. 2008 kl. 02:23
30. nov. 2008 kl. 19:46
1. dec. 2008 kl. 18:40
1. dec. 2008 kl. 18:48
1. dec. 2008 kl. 18:48

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