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Omani Owl (Strix butleri) -
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Beskrivelse: If you want to look for Hume's Tawny Owl as well as Desert Eagle Owl and Egyptian Nightjar in southern Israel, contact Noam Weiss from the International Birding & Research Centre in Eilat ( Noam is studying the breeding patterns of the relatively rare and little known Hume's Tawny Owl, particularly in regard to its conservation, and will ensure that every measure is taking not to disturb the birds, during his guided tours. This breeding pair is located in a Natural reserve, where only guided tours are allowed after dark. Also, guided tours for Nightjars are recommended because driving around with flashlights at night close to the Jordan border should be approved by the military. Hume's Tawny Owl and Desert Eagle Owl are resident species, while Egyptian Nightjar is primarily seen during spring migration (March). Picture info: Lens supported on vehicle, ISO 1600, 1/4 sec.exposure, IS on.

Uploadet 2008-03-18 Publiceret 2008-03-18 Strix butleri Hume's Owl

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