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Titel: Aka "Blue Saw-wing"

Beskrivelse: Alle racer af Black Saw-wing i Etiopien ser oftest blot sorte ud i felten. Set i godt lys, på tæt hold, kan man dog sandsynligvis racebestemme fuglene på kroppens farveskær. På dette dokufoto ses et tydeligt blåt skær, hvilket overbeviser mig om at fuglen er en Blue Saw-wing (nominatracen Pristoptera, der som andre racer af og til regnes som egen art) IN ENGLISH: This bird has a clearly blue gloss on the right photo. This makes me convinced it is the nominate race Pristoptera aka "Blue Saw-wing" Usually the birds just appear black in the field and the gloss of each race is very hard to judge in the field (like on the left picture) Note it is with certainty the same bird on both pictures, because of an unusual white feather on the left wing.

Uploadet 2017-01-29 Publiceret 2017-01-29 Psalidoprocne pristoptera pristoptera Black Saw-wing

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