World Bird List

Species factsheet
Brown Wood Owl (Strix leptogrammica)

Order: Strix leptogrammica
Family: Owls (Strigidae)

Voices can be found here (external link)
Subspecies and Distribution
Subspecie Distribution
ticehursti se China, n Indochina
caligata Taiwan, Hainan
laotiana s Laos, c Vietnam
newarensis n India, Nepal, Bangladesh
indranee c and s India
ochrogenys Sri Lanka
maingayi Malay Pen.
myrtha Sumatra
nyctiphasma Banyak I. (off w Sumatra)
niasensis Nias I. (off w Sumatra)
chaseni Belitung I. (off se Sumatra)
leptogrammica c and s Borneo
vaga n Borneo
bartelsi Java