World Bird List

Species factsheet
Island Leaf Warbler (Phylloscopus poliocephalus)

Order: Phylloscopus poliocephalus
Family: Leaf Warblers & Allies (Phylloscopidae)

Voices can be found here (external link)
Subspecies and Distribution
Subspecie Distribution
henrietta Halmahera and Ternate (n Moluccas)
waterstradti Bacan and Obi I. (n Moluccas)
everetti Buru (s Moluccas)
ceramensis Seram and Ambon Is. (s Moluccas)
avicola Kai I. (off sw New Guinea)
matthiae St. Matthias (Bismarck Arch.)
moorhousei New Britain and Umboi Is. (Bismarck Arch.)
leletensis New Ireland (Bismarck Arch.)
poliocephalus nw New Guinea
albigularis wc New Guinea
cyclopum n New Guinea
giulianettii c and se New Guinea
hamlini Goodenough I (off se New Guinea)
becki e Solomon Is.
bougainvillei Bougainville I. (n Solomons)
pallescens Kolombangara I. (w Solomon Is.)