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Dværgspove (Numenius minutus) Little Curlew -
Sjældenhed: Sjælden
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Titel: The Five Last Minute...

Beskrivelse: The bird was found at 5:00Pm, I was more than 200km far... After less than 1h40 I arrive on the third place where the bird was re-found, more than 7 km than the first place. Not less than 100 birders stressed are in the place, cars arrive from everywhere the bird just landed 1 minute ago somewhere in a cow field... This curlew was the most active bird in the place he run from left to right with chicken-movements between lapwings and starling. We have not less than 10 minute to see it that he flew in the mixed flocks to finally disappear...

Uploadet 2010-09-22 Publiceret 2010-09-22 Numenius minutus Little Curlew

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